Find out how to finance your social innovation

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Find out how to finance your social innovation

26 August 2021

  • Caecilie Hougaard Pedersen

A new funding toolkit from the European Social Innovation Competition has been designed specifically to help early stage social innovators get their projects off the ground.

The toolkit takes interested innovators through all the steps needed to access funding; from laying the groundwork, how to access funding, early-stage finance tools and providers, specific EU funding opportunities and all the way through to next steps once funding is acquired.

As you move through the toolkit, everything is designed to be a set of simple steps for social innovators and early-stage start-ups to follow.

Access to or knowledge about funding should not be a barrier to wanting to make a social impact, so the toolkit breaks down the various avenues of funding available, which ones to go for and things to keep in mind during the early stages. This new funding toolkit is different to others as it focuses specifically on the early-stage social innovators and young start-ups, enabling those still formulating business models and plans to benefit from information and guidance.

Within the toolkit you will find information and guidance, specific tools to put theory into practice, and inspirational case studies from across EU Member States. You will also be able to read and learn from expert contributions from respected individuals such as:

The European Social Innovation Competition Funding Toolkit